Wacky Wednesday Writing: Stone Oak Ortho’s Ode To Ginger

On select Wednesdays, the Stone Oak Orthodontics blog will be publishing a Wacky Writing Wednesday themed post. They will be fun, random and often times completely ridiculous posts related to our office, our staff, our procedures, our events, our volunteer work, maybe even something wacky about Dr. Norris! You’re sure to learn something new about Dr. Norris’ orthodontic practice in these creatively carved out blog offerings. Be sure to tune in every Wednesday to see if there’s a new Wacky Writing Wednesday post up for your enjoyment! You can also easily follow our blog feed from our Facebook page!

And so, without further adieu, please enjoy Wacky Wednesday Writing Post #1

ODE TO GINGER (Personal Assistant to Dr. Norris and All Around Amazing Office Extraordinaire!)

Ode to Ginger at Stone Oak orthodontics in San Antonio TX

Her day can be full
of the most random things.
Her workroom is full
of tools, toys and bling.

She has parties to plan,
and luncheons to book.
She packs the gift baskets,
she delivers the loot!

For ten years now
she’s been Titos’ right hand.
Even he will agree,
she makes his life grand!

Ode to Ginger at Stone Oak Orthodontics in San Antonio TX

When he forgets his own name,
it’s she he does call.
She zips and she zooms
and she covers it all.

She loads up his calendar
with this task and that.
She runs last minute errands
at the drop of a hat.

A converted small closet
is what holds her desk.
And in these close quarters
she feels deeply blessed.

So three cheers for Ginger,
she’s quite The Bee’s Knees!
She’s creative, she’s smart,
she’s like a fresh breeze!