Does Dr. Norris Give His SureSmile Robot A Break on Labor Day, Too?

As a SureSmile Orthodontist, Dr. Norris offersย a more efficient and comfortable experience for the patientย in hisย Stone Oak practice thanks toย SureSmile’s state-of-the-artย orthodontic system. But did you know that the team member who makes all this possible is a robot? After high-end 3D imaging and computer software is used to assist Dr. Norris in structuring a comprehensive treatment plan, the final step requires an actual SureSmile Robot to bend customized arch-wires for the patient. This is a very important part of theย process!ย Thanks to the SureSmile Robot, the arch-wire is precisely bent, ensuring a perfect fit for the patient which then reduces the number of maintenance visits and significantly reduces patient discomfort levels during treatment. All these wonderful benefits patients receive while in treatment at Stone Oak Orthodontics is thanks to Dr. Norris’ wonderful SureSmile Robot!

Would you like to meet a SureSmile Robot? In 2008, at the American Association of Orthodontists Annual Meeting in Dallas, the SureSmile Robot was offering free demonstrations showcasing their wonderful skills. The short and fun video included here ends with the SureSmile Robot giving a little bow and a “happy dance” after completing an arch-wire! ย Give it a quick watch and enjoy the robot’s engaging personality! If you have trouble loading the video, it can also be viewed on our YouTube Channel!

Suresmile Wire Bending Robot

In American Association of Orthodontists Annual Meeting in Dallas 2008, Suresmile demonstrated wire bending robot.

Stone Oak Orthodontics is very proud to be a premiere SureSmile orthodontic practice offering the SureSmile Robot skills to our patients in San Antonio, Texas. Just think, without our beloved SureSmile Robot, you would be in braces longer and have a much more painful experience! Ouch!! ย When put that way, it makes you wonder something about this hard working robot: does he get to take a day off on Labor Day, too? Dr. Norris and the team at Stone Oak Orthodontics will celebrate Labor Day Monday away from the office; but what about the robot?? What do you think the SureSmile Robot would do if he were allowed to celebrate America’s “working man’s holiday?”

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