Dental Stats & Facts to Consider

Stone Oak Orthodontics San Antonio TX Dental Facts9 Dental Stats and facts

  • 83% of people believe their teeth are more important to their appearance than hair and eyes according to a survey conducted by Roper ASW in conjunction with ReachMax.
  • US consumers spend $100 Billion a year on hair care products and only $50 Billion a year on dentistry. Women spend more money on mascara than any other makeup. What good is great hair and eyes without a great smile and healthy teeth?
  • A toothpick is the object most often choked on by Americans
  • Smile enhanced procedures outnumbered eyelid surgeries 5 to 1 according to Money Magazine.
  • The average woman smiles about 62 times a day! A man? Only 8! Kids laugh around 400 times a day. Grown-ups just 15 and ๐Ÿ™‚ Smilers in school yearbooks are more likely to have successful careers and marriages than poker faced peers.
  • 3 cans of soda a day โ€“ the number of sodas that increase tooth decay by 62%; 10 to 12 – the number of teaspoons of sugar in an average 12 oz. soda. The average American consumes over 600 cans of soda a year! What happens to your health if you drink 10 cans of soda a day for 1 month? Read thisโ€ฆ
  • Every year, kids in North America spend close to half a billion dollars on chewing gum
  • 45-70 seconds is the amount of time most people brush a day. Time to spend a little more time brushing, donโ€™t you think?
  • 18 yards – the amount of floss bought each year per person. 122 yards – the amount of floss that should be bought each year or 1 foot a day.


A new year is quickly descending upon us in the San Antonio TX area

At one time or another weโ€™ve all heard the old saying โ€œAn ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cureโ€. The daily habits of the average American consumer still need another wake up call. At Stone Oak Orthodontics, we just want to ring your bell for the New Year with a reminder to pay more attention to your sugar intake and daily dental health routine no matter what your age.

And what better Christmas gift or way to jump start your New Year if you or someone you love is concerned about your smile. Contact our office for a FREE Smile Exam! Orthodontic treatment today is less noticeable with many aesthetic treatment options, very affordable, and takes less time than ever before! Find out how we can help you create the โ€œSmile You Deserveโ€ this holiday season.