Our Blog

Celebrate Orthodontic Health Month in San Antonio

Did you know that October is National Orthodontic Health Month? Dr. Tito Norris and hisย team want you to join us in celebrating the power of a smile during October. You only get one chance to make a first impression, no matter what your age 12, 16 or 60! A perfect smile is one of your best and lifelong


Wisdom Teeth โ€“ What Now?

Lately, the latest trend amongst trending topics has been celebrities keeping their Instagram followers up-to-date on their dental health. This includes top A-listers like Paris Hilton, Lily Allen, and Emile Hirsch. Even Ariana Grande has gotten in on the act. Recently, Grande gave social media users a front row seat to the removal of her last three wisdom


Buck Teeth โ€“ See Your Orthodontist

Buck teeth, also known as a malocclusion or severe overbite, is much more common than we think. In many cases, buck teeth are a hereditary condition. But, it can also be worsened by prolonged thumb sucking, bottle feeding or the overuse of a pacifier. Throughout history, buck teeth have been the cause of bullying and embarrassment. Studies have


Smile โ€“ A Simple Way To Improve Almost Everything

A simple smile holds the key to many wonderful secrets. When you flash a those wonderfully beautiful pearly whites, you are sending a message not only to the world but subconsciously to yourself. You are telling the world that you are happy and confident but also telling yourself. We all smile when we are happy but did you


Announcing Our “US Geography Contest”

The start of school is right around the corner (bummer, we know!) but Stone Oak Orthodontics will get you back in the learning groove with our United States Geography contest! Just complete a simple online quiz – if you achieve a perfect score, you’ll be entered in a raffle to win a $25 gift card. This contest runs


Sunburn Is A Bad Idea

The Team at Stone Oak Orthodontics knows that regardless of the many health warnings about skin damage from the sun, many still subject themselves to the burning rays of the sun for extended periods of time. More than one-third of adults and 70% of children have admitted to getting sunburn at least once or twice in the past


July 4th โ€“ Why We Celebrate

We celebrate American Independence Day on the July 4th every year. We think of July 4th, 1776, as a day that represents the Declaration of Independence and the birth of the United States of America as an independent nation. The Continental Congress approved the final wording of the Declaration of Independence on July 4th, 1776. They’d been working


Announcing the Winner of Father’s Day Photo Contest

Huge congratulations to the winner of our Fathers Day Photo Contest – Leah V., who submitted a photo with her dad, William. For this contest, which ran May 16th through June 16th, we asked patients to submit a photo of you and your dad engaging in an activity together. Leah’s prize is an inflatable hammock lounger – hopefully,


Graduates โ€“ Graduation Means a New Path

Graduation is in the air during the month of June. Whether that graduation is from Junior High School, Senior High School or College, we want to express our hardiest congratulations to all of our graduates in San Antonio TX. In many instances, parents often deserve congratulations as well for helping with homework, making sure their students arrive at